Myustadji online platform provides amazing classes on a wide range of subjects based around the Sikh culture and background. Join us today to learn more about Sikhi and improve your talent in Indian classical music.
We offer a wide range of musical classes including instrument lessons (Tabla, Harmonium,piano, guitar, violin, etc.), vocal training, music theory, song writing, Sikhi culture, Gurbani, Santhia, Kirtan and more.
Our classes are open to all ages and skill levels, from beginners to advanced musicians.
Its available all around the world like UK, USA, Canada, Australia, European region etc.
You can enroll in a class by visiting our website and selecting the course you're interested in and send your form or whatsapp on +91-9888222321.
Some classes have rolling admissions and can be joined at any time, while others have specific start dates. Please check the class details with us on whatsapp on +91-9888222321 more information.